- Posted on October 4th, 2021
Native Events and Julie’s Bicycle launch submission for Creative Green funding in Ireland

On Friday 1 October 2021, Native Events and Julie’s Bicycle EU launched their Pre-Budget Submission on behalf of over 280 Arts, Cultural and Live Entertainment and Events organisations in Ireland.
Last year, an Arts & Culture Recovery Taskforce prepared a report called ‘A Life Worth Living’ detailing recommendations on how best the arts and culture sector could adapt and recover from the damage arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic. Within this, our Creative Green Programme was recommended. With this in mind, and in the face of other core happenings of the past few years – including Ireland’s passing of Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act – JB join the team calling upon the Government to provide an allocation of €5 million funding, over three years, to implement the recommendations around Creative Green given by the Taskforce.
Included in the recommendations:
- Sector specific guidelines to be created across disciplines including Festival & Outdoor Events; Theatres, Cinemas, Museums & Arts Centres; Indoor Venues & Events; Stadiums & Arenas; and Film & TV Production.
- Setting up of an independent body to ensure long term Sustainability/Green monitoring, evaluation, development and policy delivery across the arts/events sector.
- Introduction of mandatory reporting process across the sectors.