- Posted on January 11th, 2021
ROCK Roadmap to Green Culture

The climate crisis is becoming more urgent, and ‘green recovery’ a top policy priority. Julie’s Bicycle developed the ROCK Roadmap to Green Culture as a framework for ROCK partners to consider how environmental action can be embedded within their city’s cultural sectors.
It is more critical than ever that we lead through our cultural policies, funding and sector support. This includes minimising our climate impact, embedding environmental best practice in our work, and affecting change on a societal level.
The ROCK Roadmap to Green Culture consists of two parts: Internal Governance and Sector Activation. Internal governance speaks to policy, strategy and operational changes. Sector activation describes tactics to communicate and inspire the wider sector.
The roadmap builds on the operational good practice found within the ‘ROCK Sustainable Events Series’, particularly the guide ‘Leave a Trace, Not a Footprint’ developed with Eurocities. Users can engage with the roadmap as a checklist of actions to ‘green’ their city’s cultural programmes.
These actions will help our cities become healthier and safer places to live, with resilient cultural sectors that allow art and creativity to flourish.
ROCK is a European Union Horizon 2020-funded project focusing on historic city centres as extraordinary laboratories to demonstrate how Cultural Heritage can be a unique and powerful engine of regeneration, sustainable development and economic growth for the whole city. Find out more here and visit their website here.
ROCK ran from May 2017 to April 2020. This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No 730280.
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