
New Sustainable Screen Fund Partnership with BFI

A cinema room filled with chairs. Julie's Bicycle logo is on the screen at the front.

Over the next three years, Julie’s Bicycle will work with the BFI on a new programme to build environmental understanding and action across BFI National Lottery Awardees and the wider screen sector. 

The programme has two strands, one focused on production which will be delivered by BAFTA albert, and the other is for screen sector activities ‘beyond production’ which will be delivered by Julie’s Bicycle. 

The BFI undertook a consultation to develop its new 10-year strategies, (Screen Culture 2033 and National Lottery Funding Strategy 2023-33), that identified a clear desire across the screen sector to step up action on the climate and ecological crisis. As a result the BFI has made environmental sustainability one of three core principles in its 10-year strategies and allocated £600,000 for a Sustainable Screen Sector Programme over three years from 2023 to 2026.

“The screen sector’s ability to act on the climate and ecological crisis, to adapt and build resilience in the face of its consequences, is crucial for the industry to thrive. It also has a unique role to play through its ability to tell and share stories which shine a light on both the issues we face and the solutions at hand, and to inform and inspire positive action across its audiences and its communities.” – Alison Tickell, Founder and Director, Julie’s Bicycle.

About the New Programme

National Lottery funding awardees are required to put the environmental sustainability principle into practice across their funded activity, develop understanding of their impacts and carbon footprint and take action to reduce their impacts.

Understanding and reporting – ​​Julie’s Bicycle will provide access to carbon calculators through our Creative Climate Tools platform for BFI National Lottery awardees across different funds. BAFTA albert will also provide access to carbon footprinting tools for production across the wider screen sector including film, XR/immersive and video games. 

Skills, Guidance and Resources – As the programme develops, Julie’s Bicycle Creative Green partnerships team, BAFTA albert and BFI will further define the support needed to ensure awardees can footprint, gain environmental certification where required, and upskill with relevant guidance for delivering their projects more sustainably. New resources will be made freely-available to wider industry.

The main funds covered by Julie’s Bicycle are: 

  • Audience projects and the Film Audience Network
  • Screen Heritage
  • Education
  • Skills
  • International
  • Innovation and Industry services
  • BFI Film Academy
  • BFI Network

Julie’s Bicycle Creative Green team work right across the arts and culture sector – from museums, galleries, the performing arts and music industry, to the wider creative industries and heritage organisations. The team will use their unique oversight of the cultural landscape, to share and apply knowledge and learnings to this new programme.

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