
Net Zero Buildings – Welcome Session

Online Online, United Kingdom

Join us for an introduction to our free programme that supports cultural organisations to reduce their energy emissions and work towards achieving net zero energy in their buildings. With the UK government’s pledge to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, cultural organisations are setting goals and mapping out actions in order […]

Adapting to Climate: How Can Culture Become Resilient in a Rapidly Changing World?

Online Online, United Kingdom

As climate change accelerates, cultural organisations emerge as leaders in fostering community centred and imaginative problem-solving. Collaboratively, the sector must harness this power and develop cultural competencies to adapt and mitigate the anticipated impacts. Much of the culture sector’s efforts on climate change focuses on reducing emissions and trying to prevent temperatures rising beyond 1.5 […]

Transforming Energy Management

Join us and our technical experts at Pilio in our next event to expand your knowledge on managing energy within your cultural buildings.