- Posted on January 29th, 2025
New energy in 2025

As 2025 gets underway and our climate action programmes pick up again, JB find ourselves with a focus on energy. For arts organisations, that means supporting the transition wherever we can: through energy efficiency, buying or generating our own renewable energy, and working with our artists, audiences, communities, and partners towards a fossil fuel-free energy future.
Energy Headlines
We’ll start with some good news: global investment in clean energy is up 60% on 2015 levels, with nearly double the amount of money spent on clean energy projects compared to new fossil fuels supplies. Though a good start, much more is needed, with increased investment required in the Global South in particular. Acceleration of clean energy must also happen in parallel with a rapid transition away from fossil fuels. With Trump’s recent move to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Agreement and promise to increase oil and gas production in the US, this will not be straightforward.
In the UK, a record 30% of electricity generation in 2024 was from wind alone and all renewables provided 51% of national electricity on average across the year. Heat pump and roof solar installations in homes and businesses increased significantly across the UK across the year. Looking ahead, the Government have signalled their ambitions to decarbonise the power system through the publication of their Clean Power by 2030 Action Plan. This promises to cut national emissions at the same time as lowering electricity bills and protecting the UK from future price shocks from volatile fossil fuel markets.
As work towards achieving this ambitious goal gets underway, the Government faces an imminent decision about the future of biomass subsidies and what constitutes genuinely clean energy. Drax – the largest biomass plant in the world, located in North Yorkshire – has received £7bn of green subsidies since 2012, despite being the UK’s biggest single carbon emitter. The company has also been fined for air pollution levels around the US pellet factories where communities of colour have suffered devastating health impacts. The Government must now decide whether or not to extend the subsidies, which are due to end in 2027.
Electrifying the Arts: Ten Cultural Organisations Leading the Decarbonisation Charge

Ten cultural organisations join the Capital Investment Readiness strand of Transforming Energy, the energy emissions reduction section of our Environmental Programme for Arts Council England.
Energy is the most significant impact area reported on by the portfolio, accounting for 54% total reported emissions. Rising costs have driven energy-saving measures like LED lighting, with growing interest in renewable energy and electrification.
Over the next year we’ll support Hampshire Cultural Trust, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, New Wolsey Theatre, SS Great Britain, Birmingham Museums, Oxford Playhouse, The Hall For Cornwall, Brighton Dome & Festival, The Met, Almeida Theatre to work towards the electrification of their buildings.
Do You Want to Reduce Energy Emissions in Your Cultural Buildings?
As part of this programme our technical partner, Catherine Bottrill from Pilio, has written an article on the pros and cons of sustainable strategies for heating non-domestic buildings in the UK.
Energy Resources
- Energy Impacts Guide For Taking Action in the Midst of A Crisis
- A technical guide for energy managers: ‘Transitioning to Net Zero’
- And for inspiration see our Case Studies From the Sector
- The pros and cons of sustainable strategies for heating non-domestic buildings in the UK
Image: Burcu Köleli for ArtistsForClimate.org (this image has been cropped).