- Posted on June 29th, 2023
New research programme to examine how access to events for disabled people can become environmentally sustainable

Julie’s Bicycle will partner with Attitude is Everything and A Greener Future to deliver research that examines how access to music and live events for disabled people can become environmentally sustainable. Once the research has been completed, we aim to provide the music and live events sectors with a practical toolkit containing practical solutions and case studies to inform their work. The first edition of the toolkit will be published in early 2024 and has been made possible with funding from Arts Council England.
“Disability access must be a key part of how we design climate solutions and orient our world towards justice. It is the embodiment of care and solidarity in practice. We are really excited to be partnering with Attitude is Everything and A Greener Future to develop the tools and resources the sector needs to engage with accessibility as a core principle for environmental action.” – Farah Ahmed, Climate Justice Lead, Julie’s Bicycle.
We recognise that the climate and ecological crisis has its roots in harmful systems and unfairly impacts those who have contributed least to its causes. A commitment to climate justice is one of Julie’s Bicycle’s core values and we aim to champion climate justice across the cultural community.
Solutions that enable accessibility and support environmental sustainability can often oppose one another and disabled people’s access can be affected or even degraded by environmental policies. The shared vision of Attitude is Everything, Julie’s Bicycle and A Greener Future is that the best sustainable festival is an accessible one. Disabled people are often not included conversations, planning and implementation of environmental policies, yet they’re one of the communities that are disproportionately affected by climate change.
We’re looking for participants to take part in our roundtable discussions and survey, so if you’re interested, please contact: info@attitudeiseverything.org.uk