About Buildings Net Zero Energy
Reducing your energy emissions is a great way to take practical action in response to the climate crisis. The Transforming Energy programme is here to help cultural organisations become more energy efficient and decarbonise their buildings.
Many organisations have already made good progress in reducing their energy-related emissions, through energy monitoring, improving controls and energy efficiency upgrades. Others are just starting out, or keen to do more. This programme aims to support cultural organisations at all stages of this process.
A set of resources to help organisations with energy management are available for free below.
However, we encourage you to sign up for additional support, including:
- Support from our technical partners, Pilio
- Training on good energy management practice provided by Julie’s Bicycle
Participation in drop-ins, webinars and training sessions is optional as the programme has been designed to be flexible and light touch. It is a rolling programme, running until March 2026.
If your organisation has already made significant progress on reducing your energy consumption then our Capital Investment Ready programme strand might be better suited to you.

Who is this for?
Anyone in your organisation who looks after management of your building and/or office. E.g. facilities manager, office manager, operations manager, maintenance and energy consultants.
It is open to cultural organisations in England that are building-based. It is for ACE national portfolio organisations as well as the wider sector.
Ideally your organisational energy spend is £10,000 per year, although can be lower if other criteria are met. You should have access to at least one year of monthly invoice data for each energy source, or commit to collecting this over time.
Join the Buildings Net Zero Energy programme
Find out more about the programme
If you’d like to find out more about the programme before you sign up, you can watch this recording of an online welcome session for the programme from July 2024.
It introduces the programme facilitators, provides context for climate action, inspiration from the sector, a programme content overview, and an introduction to our energy management framework and resources. (see below).
Buildings Net Zero Energy Resources
Below you will find the resources that accompany this programme. They have been broken down into five parts and are available to download for free, whether you are part of the ACE portfolio or not.
For those who are moving premises, or embarking on a capital project, please take a look at our Fit For the Future guide to help you to embed environmental sustainability in your capital projects from conception through to completion.
You can also visit our Resource Hub which for helpful documents such as energy reduction guides, case studies and webinars.
Full presentation and resources
View resourcesOther relevant programmes
To ensure the biggest impact is achieved on this programme we recommend that a member of your governance team also joins our Boards Environmental Champions Programme.
Running in parallel, it supports Trustees and governing officials to build the capacity, skills and confidence to champion environmental responsibility and embed this Investment Principle at a governance level.