Coptimism = Culture + Optimism + COP
#COPtimism engaged the creative community in conversation about culture and climate change.
We invited the cultural community to be a force for inspirational and sustainable change at our 2016 event, ‘How to be a COPtimist: Culture, Creativity and COP21’.
We asked the creative community…
- Are you publicly celebrating your successes in environmental sustainability?
- Do you commission or make work on environmental themes?
- Are you working with other organisations to share knowledge about sustainability?
- Do you take positive action on your energy, water, waste, travel impacts?
- Do you invest your capital, equipment, banking or pension sustainably?
Using #COPtimism the community shared stories of creativity, optimism and action, and used #COPtimism and #COP23 together to connect with the creative community around environmental sustainability.
Image: Cape Farewell
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