- Posted on August 19th, 2017
Take the Green Train: Europe Jazz Network

Julie’s Bicycle and Europe Jazz Network collaborated on the programme Take The Green Train: an initiative to explore how the jazz sector can respond and create new networked response to meet the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing environment.
As part of the programme, a Green Manifesto for the Europe Jazz Network membership was created and launched at WOMEX in 2015; Take the Green Train seminars were held at Gateshead International Jazz Festival in 2015 and as part of the 12 Points showcase festival at Aarhus Jazz Festival in 2017; a collection of case studies from across the EJN network were collected to share expertise; and a Take the Green Train action research ‘green tour’ was organised for saxophonist Evan Parker throughout 2016.
The Take the Green Train project was supported through the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.