- Posted on December 19th, 2019
Creative Climate Leadership: Slovenia 2017

The second Creative Climate Leadership course will be held at the Adria Ankaran Resort near Koper, Slovenia, in October 2017.
The course will be facilitated by Julie’s Bicycle and Slovenian-based sustainable development and training NGO, PiNA. It will explore approaches to organisational change, engage people with new narratives and shift values through art and design, encourage behaviour change through communications and advocacy, and develop collaborative ways of working to maximise impact.
Our applicants
We received a global response to our open call for participants. We received 89 applications from over 30 countries.
Our participants
This year’s participants come from across the UK and Ireland, joined by eight participants from the EU and six international participants from Colombia, Australia, Togo, Zimbabwe and Indonesia. The participants are working in areas as diverse as cultural policy, theatre, festivals, education, music, development, museums and visual arts.
- Victoria Burns, Invisible Dust, UK
- Sophie Cornet, La Monnaie, Belgium
- Lucy Davies, Royal Court, UK
- Chiara Donadoni, 11.11.11 Platform, Belgium
- Julia Earley, Australia
- Marta Garcia Haro, REDS (Red Española para el Desarrollo Sostenible), Spain
- Dan Harrison, Young Vic, UK
- Elisa Hernandez de Pablo, Spain
- Kristina Jerkov, KRUG, Montenegro
- Budi Agung Kuswara, Ketemu Project, Indonesia
- Kim Lisson, Karrak Consulting, Australia
- Kelly Lovelady, Ruthless Jabiru, UK
- Lucina Machanzi, Culture Fund Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
- Ellen McDougall, Gate Theatre, UK
- Bridget McKenzie, Flow Associates, UK
- Gaja Meznaric Osole, Slovenia
- Toby Peach, UK
- Dijana Rakovic, Counterpoint Arts, UK
- Anthony Roberts, Colchester Arts Centre, UK
- Helena Rytilahti, European Cultural Foundation, Netherlands
- Laia Sanahuja Mila, ICEC (Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies), Spain
- Elizabeth Valenzuela, Fondo Accion, Colombia
- Julie Tanneau, COAL, France
Get involved
If you are interested in participating in one of our future Creative Climate Leadership courses please get in touch.
Send an email Tweet #ccleaders
Creative Climate Leadership is led by Julie’s Bicycle and supported by On The Move, PiNA, EXIT Foundation, KRUG, ARS BALTICA, COAL and mitos21. It is supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.