- Posted on February 4th, 2020
Good Energy and JB: Leading the 100% renewables charge

The UK’s creative sector is more aware than ever of the need to take climate action. From last year’s Music Declares Emergency, signed by 1,240 artists, to the number of organisations now making sustainable choices, fully detailed in our latest environmental report with Arts Council England – ‘Sustaining Great Art and Culture’
It’s clear the industry is enthused and serious about change. And the partnership between Good Energy and Julie’s Bicycle is helping the sector adapt to a future where climate concerns are central to how it operates.
New data reveals how, in 2019, Julie’s Bicycle associate organisations have been keen to make the shift to renewable power. The figures show that 53 creative institutions from across the UK have now switched to Good Energy’s 100% genuinely green tariff, representing over 10,100 megawatt hours of clean power. This means the group has already made carbon savings equivalent to 2,604 tonnes of carbon dioxide. This is compared to the average amount of CO2 used to generate electricity on the UK grid.
To put that into perspective, it is the same as taking 1,280 cars off the road for one year; planting 2564 trees; or 1709 people switching to a vegan diet.
We’ve mapped where these creative institutions call home and it covers the breadth of the country. They include well-known institutions, such as The Royal Court, National Theatre Wales, Blenheim Palace, and Opera North. Explore the map below and click here to find out more about how to get involved.