- Posted on February 19th, 2025
Peer Sharing: Place-Based Adaptation for Culture

Are you working in or with the cultural sector and exploring how to build local resilience to climate change? Join us for a peer-sharing session focused on place-based adaptation – how we can shape community-led, locally inspired solutions in response to climate impacts.
We welcome those who are working at the heart of this movement (nationally and internationally) to join us in this session. We aim to provide safe space for conversation and exchange for those who want to deep dive into this topic.
Date: Wednesday 19 March 11.30am – 1pm (online)
Julie’s Bicycle works nationally and internationally to advocate for the role of culture in climate adaptation.
“Climate change adaptation refers to actions that help reduce vulnerability to the current or expected impacts of climate change like weather extremes and natural disasters, sea-level rise, biodiversity loss, or food and water insecurity. Many adaptation measures need to happen at the local level, so rural communities and cities have a big role to play.” (United Nations Environment Programme, 2023)
We are working closely with the sector to demonstrate the central role that culture can play in building a resilient future in the face of climate change impacts. Our next peer-sharing event will focus on place-based adaptation to climate change: exploring how we can work towards community-led, locally inspired solutions in a changing climate.
Climate change impacts are unequally distributed, and will be experienced differently by different places and people. Adopting a place-based approach to adaptation is about understanding the risks at a local level; understanding both physical geographies, and social inequities and experiences. Working collaboratively across sectors is vital to shape the best possible outcomes for communities.
We know that culture and creatives are playing a crucial role in shaping place-based approaches to climate adaptation.
The session will support those who are committed to building local resilience to climate change to share insights, inspiration and support one another. Through connection and shared learning, we will provide a platform to develop and enhance approaches, and collectively advocate for the contribution of culture in place-based approaches to adaptation.
Register your interest
This session is open to those working in or with the cultural sector, nationally and internationally. Spaces for this session are limited. If you would like to attend, please fill out the expression of interest form by the end of the working day of Friday 7 March. We will respond by Wednesday 12 March.
Expression of interest form
Large print of expression of interest form
This session is part of our Leading Resilience programme and is one in a series of events.
Our peer sharing sessions aim to provide a platform for the cultural sector professionals to share experiences, reflect on what adaptation means in their own unique contexts, and consider how we can move towards a climate-change ready and resilient future.
This event is delivered in partnership with Arts Council England as part of their Environmental Programme.