
The Audio-Visual room programme

Graphic We Make Tomorrow 2022

Programme details:

Creative Climate Justice film series – Julie’s Bicycle

Culture has always mobilised change, yet has been largely absent from climate strategy. In this film, 14 speakers from across the globe come together to share their thoughts on the intersection between arts, culture and climate.

Duration: 3:31

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Leaders Of A New Regime – Corey Baker Dance

Grammy award-winning artist Lorde lent her track “Leader of a New Regime” to Corey Baker Dance, to create a film for the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow as part of The Generation Restoration Film Festival, produced by the United Nations Environment

Duration: 3:25

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Interview with Budi Agung Kuswara, Ketemu Projects – Julie’s Bicycle

Creative Climate Leadership alum Budi Agung Kuswara’s world is intimately connected to the rhythms of nature. Here he answers the question – what do the arts and culture sector bring to the climate movement that no one else does?

Duration: 2:32

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Into the Offing – Sapphire Goss & Helen Ganya

An experimental audiovisual piece that cycles through layers of time: history, deep time, fleeting moments, set on the white cliffs of Dover. ‘The offing’ is the liminal part of the horizon between sea and sky, and the film explores this idea of intangible shifting borders to create a vivid portrayal of the very edge of England.

Duration: 24:05

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Creative Climate Justice film series – Julie’s Bicycle

Culture has always mobilised change, yet has been largely absent from climate strategy. In this film, 14 speakers from across the globe come together to share their thoughts on the different impacts of climate change.

Duration: 0:46

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LifeStrings – Rosa Cisneros

LifeStrings is a screendance film that investigates climate justice, violins and motherhood using a contemporary flamenco dance vocabulary. Reflecting on traditional Flamenco dance rhythms, techniques, gestures and modes of transmission, the work asks questions about what we copy and imitate and what we disrupt and let go of in terms of traditions.

Duration: 6:58

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Kon Kon – Cecilia Vicuña

In this documentary poem, Cecilia returns to Con Con beach, the birthplace of her art in Chile, where the sea is dying and an ancient tradition is being wiped out. Con Con, facing Aconcagua the tallest mountain in the Western hemisphere, has a cultural heritage going back thousands of years.

Duration: 5.27

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Yigit Ozsener

“Art doesn’t tell people what to do, it touches hearts, gives hope, it inspires them to act”. Join actor Yiğit Özşener in the forest to hear his inspirational keynote, part of The Climate Connection Culture & Environment Roundtable, hosted by Julie’s Bicycle alongside IKSV and British Council, Turkey. The film has been shared with policy makers and representatives from cultural institutions, funders, youth networks, and local initiatives.

Duration: 13:28

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In the Dark

In the Dark is a collection of radio producers and enthusiasts celebrating stories through sound. Like cinema, but without the pictures they create communal lights-out listening events that celebrate the best in audio storytelling from around the world.

Duration: 20:55

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Creative Climate Justice film series – Julie’s Bicycle

Culture has always mobilised change, yet has been largely absent from climate strategy. In this film, six climate activists speak out about the work they do in their bid to achieve climate justice with and for young people.

Duration: 2:09

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Our World (Fight For Air) – Love Ssega

Season for Change was a UK-wide cultural programme inspiring urgent and inclusive action on climate change from 2020 to 2021. Led by Artsadmin and Julie’s Bicycle, delivered in collaboration with arts partners nationwide and supported by Arts Council England and Paul Hamlyn Foundation, they commissioned musician Love Ssega to create a project that draws on the tragic effects of air pollution along the South Circular. It brings the neglected stories and voices of the Black community into public debate through the mediums of a new single, music video and comic.

Duration: 3.28

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And Breathe – Sima Gonsai

The film and dance choreography explore the effect of carbon emissions and their apocalyptic impact on humanity and the earth. For the sake of future generations, And Breathe…challenges us to go back to basics, to pass on and use intergenerational skills that help to prevent climate change through lower consumption and replacement practices to put back what we take out.

Duration: 6:35

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Guggenheim Museum Hugo Boss Prize – Cecilia Vicuña

Multidisciplinary artist and poet Cecilia Vicuña, discusses the myriad of ways that form, language, displacement, and ritual play a dynamic role in her creative process. Exploring a range of diverse works that include everything from painting and installation to performance, poetry, and textile, this video reveals some of Vicuna’s methods that make it all come together.

Duration: 6:25

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Planet – People – Power – Balraj Singh Samrai & Farah Ahmad Khan

Planet-People-Power explores South Asian diaspora experience and action in relation to climate change, touching on intersectional environmentalism, environmental inequality and ecological interconnectedness between Manchester and the Global South.

Duration: 11:16

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Ta’u Tama – Small Island Big Song

Small Island Big Song is a music, film, live project featuring musicians across 16 island nations of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, creating a contemporary and relevant musical statement of a region in the frontline of cultural and environmental challenges.

Duration: 5.23

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Treehugger – Marshmallow Laser Feast

Treehugger makes visible the powerful inner systems of a sequoia tree by visualising the circulation of water from its deep roots, through its gigantic trunk, to its leaves. Viewers are immersed in a hypnotic flow of water and energy, while their perception of time is altered, in relation to the temporality of a 3000-year-old sequoia tree.

Duration: 5:35

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Creative Climate Justice film series – Julie’s Bicycle

Culture has always mobilised change, yet has been largely absent from climate strategy. 14 speakers from across the globe come together to share the messages they wanted heard at COP26.

Duration: 3:05

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“Why don’t we talk about it?” excerpt from Can I Live? – Fehinti Balogun & Complicite

Why don’t we talk about it? Fehinti Balogun asks this urgent question and offers an invitation in Can I Live?, a vital new digital performance about the climate catastrophe, sharing his personal journey into the biggest challenge of our times.

Duration: 1:53

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Arka Kinari – Nova Ruth

Arka Kinari is a multimedia performance created by Filastine & Nova, staged from the deck of a traditional sailing ship, using live music and cinematic visuals to imagine life after the carbon economy, resilience to climate change, and re-engagement with the last great commons- the sea.

Duration: 11:47

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Only a Child – Simone Giampaolo

Only a Child is a visual poem created by over 20 animation directors under the artistic supervision of Simone Giampaolo, which gives shape and colour to the original words spoken by Severn Cullis-Suzuki at the UN Summit in Rio in 1992, a child’s desperate call to action for the future of our planet. An omnibus film celebrating the environmental youth movement 30 years in the making.

Duration: 6:47

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