  • Posted on August 16th, 2017

Arts Council England Environmental Report 2013/14

This report details the progress of our partnership with Arts Council England, which has aimed to roll out environmental reporting and action planning across over 700 organisations between 2012-15.

Using data collected from over 490 organisations via our Creative Industry Green Tools between 2013/14 and 2013/14, the report identifies a 6.3% decrease in carbon emissions in 2013/14 (compared to 2012/13), representing a saving of 7,063 tonnes CO2e or £1.25 million.

The carbon saved would fill the Royal Albert Hall 47 times over. This was achieved despite 16% more cultural activity during the same period – proof that we can grow the vibrancy and reach of our creative community without increasing our impact on the planet.

The report details how organisations are rapidly increasing the breadth and depth of their engagement with environmental sustainability, both in terms of carbon savings and artistic work on the issue. Environmental action has brought financial gains and positive reputational impacts to over half of participating organisations, and as they align sustainability to their core values many are seeing an improvement in team morale and wellbeing as a result. All of these benefits point towards environmental action contributing significantly to the resilience of the arts and culture.

These results builds on our first Sustaining Great Art report, released in December 2013.

Dowload Summary

Dowload Full Report

Resource Materials
