Natural resources

Creative Climate Justice Guide

JB's introductory guide exploring key climate justice ideas, concepts and issues.

Banking on Climate Chaos Report

A major report from Rainforest Action Network, BankTrack, Indigenous Environmental Network, Oil Change International, Reclaim Finance, Sierra Club, and Urgewald unearthing how the world's largest banks drive fossil fuel extraction.

Climate Just UK

A free online mapping tool which can be used to identify those most vulnerable to climate change and fuel poverty, aiding decision making for public service providers.

Behind The Logos

Behind The Logos is a platform from Culture Unstained, bringing together resources from around the world to make the case against oil sponsorship of cultural institutions.

Gender CC

Gender CC is a directory of resources exploring the ties between gender inequality and climate injustice

The Environmental Justice Atlas

An interactive tool documenting and cataloguing global conflict around environmental issues.

The World at 1C

News and resources from the young communications initiative of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice.


INTERPRT investigates environmental crimes using geospatial analysis, design and architectural methodologies. Their work actively supports criminalizing Ecocide as an international crime.