The impacts of the climate and ecological crisis are not felt equally around the world. The countries and communities who have historically contributed the least to environmental degradation and climate change face the worst impacts. To achieve climate justice we need to acknowledge and repair the history and legacies of colonial violence and extraction that have led to the climate crisis and support poorer countries, communities and individuals.
Indigenous peoples represent less than 5% of the global population but are thought to protect 80% of the world’s biodiversity. It is important that we recognise communities who are most impacted by climate change as leaders with solutions, alternative knowledge systems, and stories of resistance and resilience to learn from.
This toolkit section offers resources and case studies of creative climate action from around the world.
– Image credit: N’dau Festival of the Arts local base in Chipinge, Zimbabwe.

Creative case studies

If Not Us Then Who

Women Hold Up The Sky

Pacific Climate Warriors

JB Highlights
Additional resources


Weaving land, life and justice within, through and beyond colonisation

The World at 1C

The Green Belt Movement

Ken Saro-Wiwa

Hip Hop Caucus

Cecilia Vicuña

Small Island, Big Song

Artivism Hour

Landscape as Evidence: Artist as Witness

Fashion Revolution

Wang Chau Village: (Non) Indigenous wisdom amidst eviction

Barranquilla +20

Displacement journeys