- Posted on September 16th, 2022
Changemaker Retreat at We Make Tomorrow 2022

A Retreat Space to Rest, Reflect and Reconnect
We regret to update that due to sickness, this space will no longer be possible at We Make Tomorrow 2022, but will be replaced by an alternative option from Letters To The Earth.
Created by Craftivist Collective.
Ever been to an event or conference and felt overwhelmed by all of the information heading your way?
Ever felt guilty that you couldn’t soak up all the super-important information offered to you?
Ever been to an inspiring event and left disempowered rather than empowered because you don’t know how to turn the information into effective and sustainable action?
Most people do. Introverts (30-50% of the world’s population) and HSPs (highly sensitive people – 20% of the world’s population) struggle the most at events with lots of stimulus and are keen to reflect but even the most extrovert person needs time and space rest, reflect and reconnect with the information sent our way especially if that is information about the problems in our world and how we need to be part of the solution to fix them.

The Changemaker Retreat Space at We Make Tomorrow is a place for attendees/participants to drop-in anytime of the conference to:
- Rest their minds, bodies and soul after soaking up lots of important information from the conference/day
- Reflect on the content covered at this conference/event
- Then Reconnect with how to implement your new learning into your work to help become the most effective and sustainable climate changemaker you can be in our complex and fragile world.

The environment/room
A quiet space with real birdsong (birds recorded in Poole, UK) playing to remember the beauty in our messy world, lavender and vanilla scent to quieten our minds and help us focus, activities to use your head, hands and heart together. Stations that engage different senses: touch, taste, sight, sound and smell (by using two or more senses together we actually remember more and engage more deeply in the issue covered). You can spend as little or as long as you need in this Changemaker Retreat.
Watch the 2:40min video of the Changemaker Retreat space Sarah Corbett of Craftivist Collective created for Lush Summit London on YouTube here.

“I felt so zen, it’s like being in the middle of a forest. This is the best part, I could stay here all day” – Grace Victory (blogger, vlogger, instastar, TV presenter)
“Had such an interesting and soothing day at the #LushSummit Retreat today. Time for rest and reflection now” – Sophie Eggleton (blogger)
“Love this [green heart emoji]. As an #introvert this makes my heart sing. Will help me be the best me and get the most from this conference.” @KatieHerbert (Twitter)
Grateful introverts find quiet moments to mull over the wisdom nuggets that rain down into our outheld hands at this most generous of conferences.” – @Brianfit (Twitter)
“Sarah has the amazing vision and ability to create zones of calm and reflection in otherwise noisy and busy multi-day conferences: retreat spaces. Every conference should have one! – Duane Raymond, Campaign Strategist
Anonymous feedback:
“This was actually one of my favourite parts. I spent a few hours here and it was wonderful! It was not busy and a nice way to chill out after the busyness of the summit”
“It was amazing. That was a great place to chill out and rest.”
“Loved it! Perfect spot for some relaxation and nice to have a space to get away from the hustle and bustle. The Craftivism workshop I attended there was fab.”
“It was a great space, the talk was interesting and when the main event became a little much it was a wonderful contrast”
“The quiet event space in the other location was a great touch”
“Loved it! I kind of liked that not a lot of people were in there… I wish we could have kept the books. ;)”
“It was a great break from the hectic nature of old billingsgate”